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(513) 972-4516


All sponsors need to make sure the following statement is included in their parent handbook if the text refers to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), any other Child Nutrition Program, or USDA by name or if information is included regarding any of the meals/snacks for which reimbursement is received. This statement is to be also included, in full, on all materials that contain the programs names or meal references and are produced for public information, public education, or public distribution.


“In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326- W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer”.

If the material is too small to permit the full statement to be included (such as flyers or brochures) the material will at a minimum include the statement, in print size no smaller than the text.


“This institution is an equal opportunity provider”. 


Sponsors are to prominently display in a public place the “And Justice for All” USDA poster of decal at each site and at the agency office if at a different location. If posters and/or decals are needed in other languages appropriate to the local population, please contact the state agency.



This facility is operated in accordance with U.S. Department of Agriculture policy which does not permit discrimination because of race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. More information may be obtained here or from the Office of Equal Opportunity, USDA, Washington, D.C. 20250.

Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any USDA-related activity should write immediately to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250.

Secretary of Agriculture        

Pursuant to Title VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964 42 USC 2CCCd and CPR Part 15


Welcome to Little Promises Preschool operated by Cincinnati Urban Promise, Inc. (CUP) Little Promises exists to provide excellent early childhood learning experiences for preschool children and ongoing support to families by meeting their spiritual, physical, emotional, and academic needs through a Christ-centered approach to education, empowerment, and loving relationships.

Little Promises seeks to prepare its students to excel as young leaders by providing excellent curriculum and unique educational experiences. Our preschool is set apart from other preschools by our commitment to the strength of the entire family as well as to the development of the child from preschool to career. Our goal is to not only provide daily care and education to children but to be a support and source of care for the entire family.

We seek to empower parents to learn and grown in their knowledge of parenting skills and to be more effective and loving parents through their interactions with our learning center. Our long term goal is to see our students continue in the youth development programs of CUP and to achieve success in their chosen careers as adults.

This Handbook is designed to familiarize you with our policies and procedures, as well as to open the doors of constant communication and understanding concerning your child’s growth and development.

Please review the policies outlined here, and feel free to direct any questions and/or comments to our Director.

Mission Statement of Cincinnati Urban Promise, Inc. (CUP):

 Cincinnati Urban Promise, Inc. seeks to create holistic change in the lives of youth and their families by meeting their spiritual, physical, emotional, and academic needs through a Christ-centered approach to education, empowerment, and loving relationship.

Vision Statement: 

  • To empower individuals to take control and responsibility for life change.

  • To facilitate racial and economic reconciliation.

  • To equip individuals and families to succeed in every area of life: spiritual, emotional, physical, academic.

  • To create loving and supportive long-term relationships that result in a stronger community. 

Preschool Center Information:

Little Promises
℅ Cincinnati Urban Promise

2420 Harrison Ave Cincinnati, OH 45211 

Phone: (513) 972-4516

Little Promises is licensed for operation for the care of preschoolers. Little Promises does not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


Little Promises is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The center provides full-time pre-school from 7:30AM- 2:15 PM and after care from 2:15PM-5:00 PM.


It is our intention to provide service at all scheduled times. However, severe weather conditions may prevent this. Should we need to close our preschool before regular closing time, we will post the information via local station, Channel 9. Information will also be posted on our website and on our Facebook page. If weather conditions worsen during the day, please check these sources often, or call the school to check on its status. We will also use a group text messaging app, be sure to check your phone often when your child is at school. It is important in these circumstances to be prompt in picking up your child so that children, staff, and families have safe travel home. Little Promises Preschool follows CPS for weather closures.


You may visit your child at the preschool at any time. Unannounced visits are encouraged and welcomed.


Little Promise is licensed by the State of Ohio. The license is posted in the entryway and on the Parent Board. The Little Promises facility is licensed to care for children.

A copy of the State’s Rules and Regulations are posted for viewing. The current year’s license for operation is in the entryway and office of the preschool.

A copy of the laws governing the licensing of the preschool is available for review at any time. The licensing record for the preschool is also available in the office and with the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. The toll-free number for ODJFS Child Day Care Licensing is located on the center's license.


Little Promises does not discriminate against persons with disabilities on the basis of disability. Students with disabilities will not be excluded from any programs unless their presence would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others or require a fundamental alteration of the program.

If your child has a health care condition where additional care or services is needed such as medication, food allergy, etc. we will complete a health care plan with you. You/a healthcare professional will then train all staff that will have interactions with your child and upon completion of training we will administer medications or procedures to your child. They must have the first dose of any medication at home. This form is completed upon enrollment and yearly after that or as needed due to updates.


A child must be 2.5 years old on or before their first day of attendance.  Children 3 years old and older must be able to take care of all toileting needs with minimal assistance.  Pull-ups are considered diapers and any child wearing them will be considered not toilet trained unless a medical condition exists. Health conditions and special needs will be considered on an individual basis. 

No child will be considered enrolled or be permitted to attend without fulfilling all enrollment requirements. The following forms are required to be turned in prior to the child’s first day of attendance:

  • Child Enrollment and Healthy information forms

  • A medical statement signed and stamped by your child’s physician

  • Tuition assistance applications including a complete Cincinnati Preschool Promise application with all necessary documentation and proof of submission of a voucher application to ODJFS. All families are required to apply for both Cincinnati Preschool Promise and PFCC funding.

  • All necessary field trip forms including bus transportation and building permissions

  • Any private pay or co-pay amount owed will be due on or before the first day of attendance

  • Any relevant custody paperwork - LPP will only accept court documents not a notarized copy. If adjustments are made it is the parent’s responsibility to bring them to the director’s attention. We will only release children according to what is on the custody agreement.


A child’s enrollment will not be terminated unless the parent(s) have been informed of a problem and the program Director has tried to work with the family to resolve the challenges. Under most circumstances the parents will be given 10 days notice to make other arrangements.

Examples of reasons for termination of enrollment:

  • Tuition/Co-pay not being paid weekly without open communication.

  • A child doesn’t meet the toilet training policy within a reasonable probationary period of 4 weeks. Medical and developmental conditions may be exceptions to this policy at the discretion of the director.

  • Child fails to follow the attendance policy even after repeated warning. 

  • Child or parent continues to engage in behavior that creates an unsafe environment for others even after intervention and prevention plans have been implemented.


 Cincinnati Urban Promise requests a minimum of a two week notice in writing prior to withdrawing a child. Together, the preschool and the parents can use this time to collect the child’s belongings, zero out your accounts and receive necessary tax filing information. It also gives each child an opportunity to say goodbye to his or her teacher and friends. Following withdrawal, all belongings and personal effects must be removed from the center within one week or they will be donated to charity.


Preschool tuition must be paid in full on Monday for each week of school. Fees not paid in full on Monday are subject to a $25.00 late fee or termination of services.


Weekly Tuition: $226 per week

PFCC voucher, Cincinnati Preschool Promise (CPP), or private pay (or any combination of these) will be accepted as form of payment for preschool tuition. If ODJFS determines the family must pay a co-pay, we ask that it is paid on Monday of each week. If the family only qualifies for a partial payment from CPP that will not cover the entire weekly tuition and the family’s voucher application is denied, the remainder of tuition due will be due on Monday of each week at the rate determined by the amount of CPP coverage. 

Checks, money orders, major credit cards will be accepted via the organizations website and cash are acceptable methods of payment. Cash payments must be placed in a sealed envelope noting the name of child, date, and the amount paid on the outside of the envelope. All payments must be placed in the locked box located outside the Director’s office. Parents paying cash should request a receipt at the time of payment. Little Promises will not accept responsibility for unmarked payments or payments that are not properly deposited in the noted areas for payment collection. A receipt for all other payment types is given upon request.

Place your tuition payment directly in the locked box. Do not hand checks or cash payments to any employee.

There is a $35.00 fee for each returned check. If a check returns to the preschool for NSF or on a closed account, a six (6) month period must pass before a check will again be considered as an acceptable form of payment. There is a $25.00 late charge for all payments made after Tuesday, unless other arrangements have been pre-approved with the Director. An additional late fee of $25.00 is assessed for all payments made after Friday, NO EXCEPTIONS.

No refunds are given for services rendered. A reimbursement may only be issued for overpayment of services. Any parent who withdraws a child and has prepaid tuition may receive a reimbursement with a minimum two-week written notice to the center.

Refunds are not given for absence. To hold a child’s place at the Little Promises Preschool fees must be paid in a timely fashion.

Both PFCC Funds and CPP funds are based on attendance. PFCC students must attend a minimum of 3 days per week and CPP students must attend 75% of scheduled days for each month. Excessive unexcused absences will result in families being charged a prorated private pay amount of $34 per day of excessive absence. These fees must be paid within one week of receiving the invoice at the end of each month. 


Little Promises will give parents a minimum of two (2) notices regarding unpaid tuition. If any parent refuses to acknowledge or respond to these notices, Little Promises will not continue to provide services until the balance is resolved. 


Listed below are areas in which we always require active parent involvement to offer your child the best possible education.

Maintain Current Files:

It is the responsibility of each parent to work with the school to maintain current and accurate emergency contact information, as well as update each child’s medical file yearly. Failure to provide up-to-date medical forms as requested may lead to a suspension in services rendered.

Child Pick Up: 

It is the responsibility of the parent to pick their child/ren up from the preschool at the child/ren’s assigned dismissal time or any time deemed necessary by the Director. If your child is sick or is struggling with behavior in the classroom, you may be asked to come and pick up your child. If the director cannot reach you by phone you will receive one warning. The next time a situation arises where your student will need picked up and the Director is unable to reach it, it will result in immediate termination of enrollment. All parents and emergency contacts must be available by phone in case of emergency. 

When a child is left at the preschool past normal operating hours, staff may wait until the parents arrive. A fee of up to $1.00 per minute, per child will be assessed. This fee must be paid to the on duty staff member at the time of the late pick up. If a child is left at the center for 30 minutes with no contact after closing, we reserve the right to notify the Police and Child Services. If you need another person to pick up your child in your absence, you must notify the office and teacher and that person must show ID to pick-up.

Child Absence:

 In order to ensure your child's safety, parents must contact the center if:

  • Your child is going to be arriving later than 8:00 a.m.

  • If your child is going to be absent due to illness or other reason.

  • If your child leaves school early.

The Director will contact parents who have not called by 9:00 a.m. to report their child absent. If your child is absent for five consecutive days without any communication or contact with the Director, it will be assumed our services are no longer needed and your child will be unenrolled, and their spot filled. Parents may re-enroll their child depending on space availability. Fees for absent days will not be prorated or refunded for any reason. PFCC families must attend no less than 3 days per week. CPP families must attend no less than 75% of total days scheduled for the month.

If your child doesn’t arrive from another program within 30 minutes of scheduled time, we will contact you directly.

Children's Needs 

Reporting important information about your child is the responsibility of the parent. Please communicate each child’s needs to the Preschool Director. This includes but is not limited to: allergies, changes in behavior, and illnesses.

Breastfeeding Policy

Little Promises Preschool does have a private pumping space for breastfeeding parents but does not have the storage space to store more than 8 ounces of milk per day. Breast milk must be dated, have child’s name and be in a cup with a lid. We will serve that in place of cow’s milk at breakfast and lunch.

Medical Insurance 

Little Promises will not pay any medical expenses for any child, including but not limited to, accidents and/or illnesses children may have at the preschool. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide health coverage. Normal childhood related accidents may happen at the childcare facility including falling, bumping into objects, tripping etc. Little Promises and/or Cincinnati Urban Promise shall not be responsible for medical expenses resulting from these types of incidents. It is the policy of Little Promises/Cincinnati Urban Promise to screen the classrooms for potential hazards as well as maintain a clean, safe environment. Even with all the safeguards in place, children can still have accidents. Parents are notified by the Director immediately following an accident and the Director will advise if a visit to the hospital is recommended.

Hospital Transportation Policy 

If the preschool is unable to reach a parent if their child has had an accident or is ill, Little Promises may send the child to the hospital by ambulance. This includes but not limited to; any head injury, broken or sprained limbs, uncontrollable asthma, wheezing, or difficulties breathing and other related symptoms. The center will not enroll any child if the parent refuses to grant permission for emergency transportation for emergency treatment.

If it is necessary to transport a child to a hospital by ambulance, one staff member from the preschool will ride along if the parent does not make it to the center in time. In the event the parent does not arrive to the school in time to ride with the ambulance, then the parent must arrive at the attending hospital no later than 15 minutes after the child and staff member arrive. Parents will be charged $1.00 per minute after 15 minutes.

Damage to Facilities or Equipment 

In the event a child maliciously damages equipment, toys or the facility, the parent may be asked to reimburse the facility for the replacement cost of said item/s.


Parents are responsible for providing the items listed below. Please bring the supplies appropriate to each child’s age group on or before his/her first day of attendance. ALL ITEMS MUST BE LABELED.

Pre-School Supplies

  • Complete change of clothing, including socks and underwear

  • Book Bag

  • 2 pocket plastic folder 



All parents are asked to participate by providing snack for their child’s class once per month. One snack for 12 students, once per month. The snack sign up is available online and all parents receive a link upon enrollment. Please no nuts, no sugary snacks, and only 100% fruit juice.


Little Promises accepts children ages 3 through 5 years of age. Each child is assigned to classes with the following names and teacher / child ratios:


Arrival/prep/choice – 15 minutes before

Group meeting 7:45--8:05

Choice - 8:05-9:05

Clean up/Snack - 9:10-9:30

Outdoor Choice 9:30 - 10:10 

Small Groups - 10:10-10:40

Read-a-loud 10:40-11:00 

Lunch - 11:00-11:35


Each family receives our enrollment packet upon touring our preschool. Within that packet is a Child Information Statement that needs to accompany the child prior to, but no later than the first day of attendance. With this enrollment packet we help the teacher prepare for the new child with Name, Birthday, Cubby and Classroom assignment. During the first two (2) to four (4) weeks of enrollment, our staff and Director will use this information to familiarize themselves with each child and assess that they are placed in the class that best suits that child’s individual developmental needs.

Transitioning students from one age group to another is determined on an individual basis as deemed necessary. The developmental readiness is determined by the child’s primary teacher and Director in accordance with Ohio’s Early Learning and Developmental Standards/Guidelines. Each family will be notified in writing within an adequate time frame specifying the date and time that their child will begin the transitioning process, as well as an opportunity to schedule a time to meet their child’s new teacher. Along with the child we pass their family Information Sheet, to help the new teacher better meet the needs of the child. In order to prepare the child for their new classroom, the duration of the transitioning process is determined by the child’s consistent demonstration of social and emotional comfort levels within the new environment. Each parent is notified verbally daily of their child’s progress until permanent placement in the room is determined by the teachers.


For the safety of each child, Little Promises requires that each parent accompany their child/ren into the building and escort them to their classroom and the care of the attending staff member. A family member under the age of 18 years may not bring children in or out of the building. This includes older siblings. Little Promises requests that our parents phone ahead if they plan on arriving later than their usual time. It is the responsibility of the parent to notify and alert the Director and/or staff that the child is departing. Staff will document arrival and departure of each child on a daily attendance form.

No child will be released to anyone other than the parent or guardian without written consent. CUP requires written notification in advance to release children to anyone other than the parents or guardians as indicated by the Alternate Pickup Authorization form located in the Enrollment Packet. Any person picking up a child will be required to show official identification. Little Promises reserves the right to ask new parents for identification until all the staff is acquainted with the new family.


 Cincinnati Urban Promise will not tolerate offensive language from parents or staff members. It is policy that any inquiries and/or concerns shall be addressed to the Director only. Any negative matters that need to be discussed, must directly involve the Director. It is a violation of state law, as well as Little Promises/Cincinnati Urban Promise policy, for a parent to physically or verbally discipline children in the center, or to reprimand or accuse other children of misconduct. Staff are always required to maintain a professional attitude towards parents and any issues may be addressed following the chain of command below: 

Little Promises/Cincinnati Urban Promise reserves the right to terminate childcare services immediately in the event of behavioral issues that endanger the health or safety of our staff or other children in our care.

Little Promises reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue preschool services to any parent or child who does not practice the policies of the center.


All children will always be supervised. The policy governing arrival and departure of children assures that a preschool staff member is aware of each child’s presence at Little Promises.

There is always immediate access to a telephone within the building. 

A monthly fire drill is conducted and exit plans are posted in each area in the event of fire or emergency weather alerts.

First Aid kits are in the office and bus. Staff members trained in First Aid, CPR, Communicable Disease, and Child Abuse recognition are always present in the building. The Director and each employee of Little Promises are required by state law to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the proper authorities.

Use of aerosol sprays shall be prohibited when children are in attendance in the Center.


Little Promises Preschool will participate in water activities and splash pads in the community. We will not participate in swimming activities of 18 inches or above. Little Promises Preschool will provide more staff members than needed for ratio during all off-sight water activities.


If a Little Promises staff member suspects a child in his/her care has been the victim of child abuse or neglect, we are required by law to report our suspicions. All child development teachers in the state of Ohio are mandated reporters.


Little Promises will only provide transportation to and from the preschool within a 1-mile radius from the preschool. We have limited transportation spots on a first come, first serve basis. All parents are responsible for providing transportation outside of the 1-mile radius or if you are participating in the after care program. All students riding the bus will be transported home at 2pm.

Little Promises Preschool will provide transportation on our bus for field trips. A separate permission slip must be signed, and proper safety restraints must be provided for the student to attend. Permissions slips will be signed upon enrollment for routine trips. If a parent refuses to give permission for the students to be transported for emergencies, then enrollment in our program will be denied.


Our curriculum provides for all areas of a child's development including physical, social, emotional and cognitive. Curriculum planning is partially based on teacher's observations and recordings of each child's special needs, interests and developmental abilities using the ages and stages screener for special needs. Formal observations including anecdotal record, work samples and Classroom environments are designed for the children to learn through active exploration and interaction with adults, peers and materials. Learning activities and materials are concrete, real and relevant to the lives of children. Each program provides for a wide range of developmental abilities and interests which are increased in difficulty and challenge as the children develop understanding and appropriate skills.


Little Promises preschool administers the ASQ-3 between 30-60 days after enrollment. The parents will be asked to also complete one and scores will be discussed at conferences and referrals will be made to the appropriate agency if necessary. Teachers will also make observations using work samples, anecdotal record and pictures to assess where their child is at developmentally and the teacher and parents will create goals for their child’s education based off of the ASQ and formal observations.


Guidance and management apply to all employees of the center. Little Promises/Cincinnati Urban Promise’s philosophy for discipline is to create a positive atmosphere that emphasizes self-esteem, self- control, and self-actualization. Our daily schedule is planned so that each child is given “choice time” to learn to take control over certain areas of his/her life. Our approach rewards positive behavior and ignores behavior we wish to discourage.

Allowable Discipline Techniques

  1. Setting clear limits. 

  2. Redirecting to an appropriate activity. 

  3. Showing positive alternatives. 

  4. Modeling the desired behavior. 

  5. Reinforcing appropriate behavior. 

  6. Encouraging children to control their own behavior, cooperate with others and solve problems by talking. 

  7. Separation from situation, if used, shall not last more than one minute per each year of the child's age. Upon the child's return to the activity, the provider shall review the reason for the separation and discuss the expected behavior with the child. 

Each child helps contribute to the rules for their class. Doing this allows each child to be aware of what is inappropriate behavior and to understand the consequences of their actions. Positive guidance methods are part of Little Promises’ philosophy for discipline. Positive directions are used to tell children what they are to do rather than focusing on what not to do, (i.e. “walk please” instead of “no running”). Redirecting the child to another activity and keeping the child’s goals or interests in mind is another technique used. Words are the tools we use to teach and encourage problem solving skills between children. This enables them to make careful judgments, choose appropriate solutions and to understand the consequences of different choices. The staff will use the “Flip-it” strategy. We will validate the child’s feelings, reinforce the limits, inquire how the child thinks we can help them and prompt the child to make a different choice next time. The last resort used would be a “thinking time,” when a child might be given time to sit and determine a better choice of conduct for their actions. The maximum thinking time allowed is one minute per year of the child’s age. All staff members are required to document excessive inappropriate behavior and turn it in to the Director. If the inappropriate behavior continues, a meeting with the child’s parents will be scheduled so that we can discuss utilizing child focus/Mayo Home services. If the child causes severe physical harm to another person or CUP’s property, a one- day suspension may be given. Physical or verbal punishment shall never be an accepted disciplinary procedure. Discipline shall not be administered for a child’s failure to eat, toilet accidents or for not wanting to participate in certain activities. Techniques of discipline shall not humiliate, shame, or frighten a child. It is the purpose of the staff at Little Promises to provide a safe, healthy, and caring environment for each child. Through our discipline policies and procedures, we hope to teach each child to understand rules of safety and help them take ownership of their own behavior.

Little Promises believes open communication between the preschool and the parents is the best tool for conquering behavioral problems. Little Promises has many resources to assist and aid parents in need, and feedback from the parent is the key to resolving behavioral situations. Little Promises happily assists our parents in any way possible. However, if a situation is out of the control of our staff and Director, we reserve the right to discontinue care for any child. In the event there is a severe or continual problem with an individual child, he/she may be asked to leave the center for his/her own welfare and that of the other children. 


Biting is a typical and often common problem amongst toddler aged children in a childcare setting. Little Promises provides detailed and comprehensive training to our staff in how to prevent and reduce biting incidents in the classroom.

When biting occurs, written documentation is sent home with the offending child’s parents. An incident report is provided to the injured child. Under no circumstance will names be given to either family. In the event a child continues to bite without showing signs of progress, the Director may suspend him or her from the center until the problem is under control.


Little Promises serves morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Students enrolled for full days receive am snack, lunch, and pm snack.

A noon meal consisting of one third of the recommended daily allowances of vitamins and foods from each of the four food groups will be served. Weekly menus are posted in the kitchen and on the Parent’s Board as you enter the preschool. Any substitutions will be noted as they occur by the cook directly on the menu.

Little Promises policy on food preparation does not permit parents to provide food for their children’s lunch or snacks. Any diet eliminating the use of any one of the four food groups or dietary allowances as required by Child Care Licensing must be written, signed, and dated by the child’s attending physician. The parent is responsible for any substitute items.


It is the policy of Little Promises to incorporate as much outdoor time as possible in our daily programs. We cannot honor any long-term or ongoing refusal of outdoor play without a written statement from a doctor. Children are required to go outside at least once a day (weather permitting), unless they have written approval by a physician. Little Promises will not reimburse for clothing that is damaged on the playground and recommends that parents dress children in appropriate play clothes, which may become wet or dirty. If the child is unable to follow the day’s scheduled activities, the parent may need to consider whether attendance that day is in the best interest of the child. Little Promises Preschool will not go outside if temperatures including heat index are at 90 degrees and above or 30 degrees or below including wind chill.


Upon enrollment, each child is to bring a backpack containing two complete changes of clothing at the school. Whenever a child is sent home with soiled clothing, parents must check the backpack and replace the clothing for the following day. If the school provides clothing for a child, we ask that the garments be replaced as soon as possible.

In order to avoid this inconvenience, we recommend parents constantly monitor the child’s backpack.


Any clothing articles or blankets found in the center are placed in the “Lost and Found” box. Any clothing not claimed within a reasonable amount of time is donated to charity.


To keep our parents and students well acquainted with our school’s activities, Little Promises issues a monthly newsletter for our students and parents. Copies are available during the first week of the month. 


Our preschool uses camera surveillance systems. The center Director has a monitor in the office where she can view all classrooms throughout the building. Members of the Cincinnati Urban Promise team also monitor the classrooms. The cameras are in place for the safety of the children as well as the staff. Due to privacy concerns of all children in our care, parents are not allowed to view footage.


Parents must submit any changes of work or home addresses and/or phone numbers in writing as soon as they occur. This is extremely important for the safety and wellbeing of the children. This also applies to emergency contact number and physician information. The Center asks each parent to update enrollment records annually.


The following legal holidays are observed by Little Promises Preschool:

9/6 Labor Day Closed

10/11 Indigenous People Day Closed

11/24 Conferences Closed 

11/25 Thanksgiving Closed

11/26 Closed

12/23 Closed @3

12/24 Christmas Eve Closed

12/25 Christmas Day Closed

12/31 New Year’s Eve Closed @3

1/1 New Year’s Day Closed

1/18 MLK Day Closed

2/15 Presidents Day Closed

4/2 Good Friday Closed

4/5 Conferences Closed

5/31 Memorial Day Closed

7/4 4th of July Closed

There are no discounts for the fees on these days. If a holiday should fall during a weekend, the Center will announce whether the Friday before or the Monday after will be honored in its place.

Vacations from the preschool are available. Each family is entitled to two weeks of vacation per year of enrollment. If the enrollment is less than six months, there is no vacation time allotted towards Preschool fees. Vacation days may only be taken in weekly increments and may not be used without one-week prior written notification to the preschool.

For any additional questions concerning Cincinnati Urban Promise vacation policy, please feel free to speak to your center’s Director.


The Director is available to assist parents and employees with problems related to the preschool. If he/she is unable to assist you, then you will be directed to the appropriate person/agency where you may be able to receive further assistance.

The preschool encourages parents to participate in the center’s programs as often as possible. Notices will occasionally be posted or sent home requesting the participation in specific activities such as field trips, parties, special events. We ask that each family provides snack for their child’s class once per month September-May. The snack should consist of 1 fruit and 1 grain. Ex. Goldfish and bananas. Please see Classroom for sign-ups. 

Our facility has an open-door policy, and your unannounced visits are welcomed and encouraged.


Little Promises holds two Parent-Teacher Conferences per school year. The dates and times of the conferences will be announced and posted in the facility. You will be asked to join your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s care and development and to exchange information about the program. Your child’s teacher will conduct two formal assessments each year on children enrolled in our program. Assessments are conducted in the Fall and Spring of each year. The assessments will be kept confidential and only shared with the parent. If you are unable to attend a conference, a phone conference may be available. If you would like to request a conference with your child’s teacher and/or the Director, other than those regularly scheduled, you may do so by speaking with the Director.


To prevent the spread of communicable diseases, Little Promises requires that all adults and children wash and/or sanitize their hands upon entering the facility.

Please notify Little Promises by 9:00 a.m. if your child will be absent. Under no circumstances will we accept a child who is ill. Please be sure to check your child each morning before sending him or her to school.

Staff members are trained to recognize of the signs and symptoms of illness and communicable diseases. All Little Promises Teachers are trained by their directors in the proper methods of hand washing. We monitor children and their behavior for signs of illness throughout the day. You will be contacted immediately if your child becomes ill while under our care. Please be sure you have made provisions for your child to be picked up in the event such illness should occur. Your child must be picked up from the center within I hour of notification of the illness.

Because we are concerned with the health and safety of all the children, it is extremely important for you to notify the center immediately of all contagious diseases your child contracts other than the common cold. We must abide by state and health department restrictions and policies on return-to-school guidelines. Little Promises/Cincinnati Urban Promise will not be held liable for lost wages or fees incurred in the event a child is unable to return to the center due to restrictions imposed upon us by the health department in the event a communicable disease has been identified.

Any child identified with the symptoms listed below will be isolated from the other children, within sight and hearing of staff member. The child will wait on a cot in the Director’s office until the parent or guardian arrives. The cot will then be cleaned and sanitized after use. An ill child must be picked up immediately; dismissal procedures for a sick child will be the same as the procedures as listed in the departure policy. Return to care policies shall apply as directed below.

  • Temperature. One hundred one degrees (100) Fahrenheit or higher in combination with any other sign or symptom of illness. Fever must return to normal for 24 hours before returning to care without the assistance of medication (i.e.. Tylenol/Advil). Call the doctor if your child suddenly develops a rash, especially if it is accompanied by a fever, sore throat, or swollen glands, as this may be a sign of scarlet fever. This is especially important if your child has any of the symptoms of strep throat, or if someone in your family or in your child's school has recently had a strep infection.

  • Diarrhea. (three or more abnormally loose stools within a twenty-four-hour period). Your child may return to care after 24 hours without loose stools. In the event of a rotavirus diagnosis, please provide release from your physician before returning to care. In the event of a shigella case, parents may be required to exclude their child from class until diarrhea has ceased and the child has two stools that have tested negative for the bacteria. A release from the physician or health department may be required.

  • Severe coughing. Cough which causes the child to become red or blue in the face or to make a whooping sound as well as difficult or rapid breathing. Return to care when free of symptoms or with a physician’s written approval.

  • Ringworm. A common skin infection which takes different forms depending on the part of the body infected. It is very contagious, so if you believe your child has ringworm, please see your healthcare provider immediately. Return to care 24 hours after treatment has begun. A release from your physician must be provided.

  • Yellowish skin or eyes. Return to care when free of symptoms or with a physician’s written approval.

  • Pink eye. Redness of the eye or eyelid, thick and purulent (pus) discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching or eye pain. Return to care 24 hours after treatment has begun and a release from your physician is provided.

  • Untreated infected skin patches, unusual spots or rashes. Return to care when free of symptoms or with a physician’s written approval.

  • Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool. Return to care when free of symptoms or with a physician’s written approval.

  • Stiff neck with an elevated temperature. See your healthcare provider immediately. Return to care when free of symptoms or with a physician’s written approval.

  • Evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations. Return to care no sooner than 24 hours after treatment is begun. In the event of lice, your child must be “nit free” before being allowed back to care. Upon return, the child must check in with the staff each morning for 4-8 days for a quick recheck in order to prevent recurrence. To assure effective treatment, please check previously treated children for evidence of new infection daily for ten (10) days after treatment. It is recommended you repeat the treatment seven (7) to ten (10) days after initial infestation.

  • Sore throat or difficulty in swallowing. In the event of a strep throat diagnosis, your child must be fever free for at least 24 hours, and on an antibiotic for a full 24 hours before returning to care.

  • Vomiting. Vomiting more than one time or when accompanied by any other sign or symptom of illness. May return to care after 24 hours without vomiting or other signs of illness.

  • Hand-foot-mouth disease. Hand-foot-mouth disease is a common childhood illness featuring mouth sores, fever, and a rash. Often, the first thing parents notice is their children’s decreased appetite for solids. Children may also have a fever and a sore throat. A day or two later, many children develop sores in the mouth. They begin as small red spots on the tongue, gums, or mucous membranes. They may blister or form ulcers. A skin rash may also develop over a day or two, with flat or raised red spots. Unlike with many rashes, the spots are often found on the palms and soles. Symptoms and recovery time may vary, so please speak to your Director before returning to care.

  • Fifth’s Disease. Especially common in kids between the ages of 5 and 15, fifth disease typically produces a distinctive red rash on the face that makes the child appear to have a "slapped cheek." The rash then spreads to the trunk, arms, and legs. Fifth disease is a viral illness. Recovery time may vary, so please see your child’s physician and speak to your director before returning to care.

  • Covid-19 We will follow CDC guidelines about reporting, quarantining, masking and returning.

If you have additional questions concerning symptoms of illnesses, a complete “Child Day Care Center Communicable Disease Chart” is posted in the Office.

All parents will be notified of a contagious disease by written notice on outside of the child’s classroom. A mildly ill child (minor cold, not exhibiting any of the listed symptoms or discharge) will be permitted to stay in the class and will be closely monitored by the teacher for any communicable disease symptoms to develop. 

Your child will be readmitted to Little Promises after the signs and/or symptoms of any communicable disease are not present for a period of twenty-four hours unless otherwise indicated by a physician's instructions.

Staff members exhibiting any of the signs of symptoms of communicable disease will be excused from job responsibilities and may not be permitted to return to work without a physician stating that they are free of communicable disease.


Little Promises will not administer medications without the proper paperwork on file from parent and doctor. Parents must make arrangements for all required medications. The first dose MUST be administered at home. Written instructions must be provided for students with modified diets. If a whole food group needs to be avoided, a doctor note is required. If a student’s requires medical food, a doctor note is required.


General emergencies include any threats to the safety of children due to environmental situations or threats of violence; natural disasters such as fire, tornado, flood, etc.; and loss of power, heat or water. Any staff member who learns of a significant health or safety hazard will immediately notify the Director so that appropriate action can be taken. All staff will follow the posted Emergency Procedures and wait at the designated safety site in the event emergency personnel are involved. A monthly fire drill is conducted, and emergency medical/dental/evacuation plans are posted in each room of the facility in the event of fire, severe weather alert, or other emergency. Tornado/Weather drills are conducted monthly from March to October. Parents should refer to the Fire and Weather Alert written plan and diagram for instructions on evacuation and weather safe rooms.

Fire Department: 513-765-1212

Police Department: 513-352-2971

Health Department:513-357-7200

Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222

Child Protective Services 513-241-5437

Procedure and Practices: 

  • The preschool has a written, developed plan including procedures used to prepared or and respond to the following: 

  • There is always immediate access to a telephone within the building. 

  • The Director will monitor weather/news daily by radio/TV and advise staff of any pending weather-related or other emergencies.

  • First Aid Kits, medicine and other emergency supplies will be taken along during any emergency or emergency evacuation drill.

  • In the event of Emergency Evacuation, Little Promises staff will contact the local authorities immediately, as well as parents by phone (calls and text messages) and will post on our private center Facebook page informing parents of the situation and location, as well as post a notice on the entry door of the center.

  • The Emergency Information for each child will be taken along during any emergency or emergency evacuation drill.

  • For reunification with parents, the center will have a “Ready to Go” index card box that will contain all the emergency contact information for each child. If an emergency occurs within the building, and we are unable to communicate with parents due to loss of landline or internet service, parents will be contacted using our cellphones.

  • Assistant teachers/extra staff will go to any students that have “special needs” and require extra help out of the building.

The supplies for an Emergency Evacuation are in the Front Office closet. During an Emergency Evacuation, the Director will collect the Medicine Box and Emergency Evacuation Bag. 


In the event an individual refuses to leave upon request or is deemed to be an “intruder” or similar designation, the Director or designated staff member will initiate the “LOCKDOWN” procedure. If there is criminal/unsafe activity occurring outside the building, initiate the “LOCKOUT” procedure.

Intruder – Lockout/Lockdown Procedures: 

These procedures are to be used in situations that could result in harm to persons inside the childcare facility such as due to an intruder, disgruntled person, or unauthorized trespasser seeking to create a disturbance.

• LOCKDOWN procedures if an intruder is inside the building:

  • Upon evacuation, each teacher will conduct a name to face count from their daily attendance.

  • The center will have an evacuation bag that will include coloring sheets, crayons and busy bags for children to use while waiting at our “Safe Place”.

  • If possible, we will isolate the aggressor from as many adults and children as possible. Seek to move the individual to the Office, Resource Room or less populated area. Remain calm and do no attempt to physically restrain or block movement.

  • Director or designated staff member will announce “lock down”

  • In a “lockdown” situation, all children are kept in classrooms or other designated locations that are away from danger. If not in a classroom, but in an unsecured location (i.e.. hallway), children/staff will enter the nearest enclosed room.

  • The Director or designated staff member will call local authorities (911) and follow direction as to how to handle the situation.

  • If staff and children are not inside the building (on the playground, routine trip) the preschool and pre-k teachers will open the window to inform them of the situation. Staff and students on the playground or on routine trip will go to the Fire station across the street where staff will contact local authorities.

• LOCKOUT procedures if unsafe activity is occurring outside the facility:

  • Keep children away from windows and exterior doors

Shelter in place Procedures

  • Shelter in place- Director will announce on Discord that shelter in place procedures are to be started. Teachers are to lock doors of classroom. Curtains and blinds are to be closed. Children are to be moved to the side walls as to keep out of line of sight. Tables are to be turned up and used and barricades. Have children remain quiet and turn off light. Incident report will be completed and given to parents. Children are never left unattended. A head count is done continuously. 911 will be contacted if injuries or damage to building. Depending on the situation, parents may need to be contacted. 

    • A dangerous situation in the immediate area, active shooter, non-custodial parent refusing to leave, person who is not to be in the building and refuses to leave, bank robbery in the area and police are looking, sheriff helicopter flying above.


Severe Thunderstorms

  • Shelter in place along walls, away from windows 


  • In the event of a tornado warning, the Director will alert the staff, and children will go to the assigned “Safe Place,” , located on the emergency evacuation plans in each classroom, bringing with them the aforementioned supplies and emergency information. All may return to their classrooms when an “all clear” is sounded. 

Flash Flooding

  • In the event of flash flooding, the Owner and Director will contact emergency personnel (911) or transportation to a “Safe Place”. Parents will be informed of the evacuation. 

Major Snowfall, Blizzards, Ice Storms

  • Staff will conduct a name to face count from their daily attendance.

  • The Director or designated staff member will secure building entrances, ensuring that no unauthorized individuals can leave or enter the building.

  • Staff and children will remain in the classroom, locking the classroom door, securing the door with available furniture to create a barricade and/or wedge to keep the door closed. Staff and students will stay clear of windows and doors, try to remain quiet. When possible, the teacher will engage in quiet story-time activities with the children to maintain calm as much as possible. Staff will always have a cell phone within reach  and turn phones to vibrate mode.

  • Staff will contact parents as soon as it is safely possible.

  • Remain in room until Director or designated staff member announces the end of lockdown.

  • Director or designated staff member will call 911 if unsafe activity is observed outside the facility.

  • Director or designated staff member will lock all exterior doors and windows

  • Cover windows if possible

  • In the event of closings necessary due to snow/storms, ice storms, blizzards or major snowfall (i.e. Level 3 Snow Emergency), the Director will notify the following media, Channel 9, in a timely fashion, and will update the CUP website. If the facility must close during operating hours because of a snow/storm, the Director and staff will notify families or emergency contacts via local media outlets and if possible, by phone. If weather conditions prevent any child from being picked up from the facility, staff will care for them until families can safely arrive. If parents arrive late for pick up due to inclement weather, we suggest you tip our staff $10.00 for every half hour past closing time. The staff will stay and feed the children dinner. 


If indoors:

  • Staff and students will take cover under desks, tables or heavy furniture. 

If outdoors:

  • Staff and students will stay outdoors and move away from the building

After the shaking stops:

  • Staff and students will not re-enter the building until authorities have checked it for possible structural damage, leaking gas lines and other utility disruptions. 

Hazardous Material/Spill

[Warning of a hazardous material/spill incident is usually received from the fire or police department]

  • Staff and students may not return until emergency personnel have cleared the area to be safe. 

Gas Leak

  • Staff and students will evacuate the center immediately to the “Safe Place”

  • Staff and students may not return until emergency personnel have cleared the area to be safe. 

Bomb Threat

  • Staff and students will evacuate – move to open areas of the building

  • The Director or designated staff member will contact local authorities (911).

  • Staff and students will evacuate the building to the “Safe Place”.

  • Staff and students will stay indoors and away from windows.

  • The Director or designated staff member will determine whether it is safer to shelter students and staff or to evacuate.

  • If it is necessary to evacuate, staff and students will move crosswind, never directly to or against the winds which may be carrying fumes. Upon reaching point of safety, take a name to face count from their daily attendance.

  • Director or designated staff member will notify local utilities and fire department.

If a suspicious package or letter arrives: 

  • The Director or designated staff member will contact local authorities (911).

If by phone:

  • The Director or designated staff member will try to gain as many details as possible. 

  • Staff and students may not return until emergency personnel have cleared the area to be safe.


  • In the event the facility is quarantined, we will continue to provide care, food, and supplies for the children as long as necessary. In the event that a facility needs to be evacuated for disaster relief, the children and staff will evacuate to the closest “Safe Place”. Please refer to the Emergency Plan posted in each room for the specific location of the nearest “Safe Place”. 

Loss of Power/Water/Heat

In the event of a power failure:

  • Director or designated staff member will discover whether the power outage is in the facility only, the neighborhood, or a larger surrounding area. Emergency lighting will be activated. The Director will call the local power provider to explain the situation and request assistance, if appropriate. 

  • If weather conditions do not allow for children to be cared for at a safe temperature, Little Promises staff will notify parents by phone to make other arrangements for the children’s care. Unless the power failure is accompanied by an emergency, children will be kept inside.

  • In the event the center loses communication, a message will be posted on our Facebook page and Cincinnati urban Promises FB page. Staff members will also use their personal phone to contact parents. 

In the event of loss of water:

  • An emergency supply of water is in the building

  • Director or designated staff member will purchase additional water if necessary.

  • If conditions do not allow for children to be cared for safely, CUP staff will notify parents by phone to make other arrangements for children's care. Unless the loss of water is accompanied by an emergency, children will be kept safe inside.

In the event of loss of heat:

  • The Director or designated staff member will discover the reason for the heat loss.

  • Director or designated staff member will report disruption to local utilities to explain the situation and request assistance, if appropriate.

Active Shooter/Terrorism/Other Act of Violence

In the event of active shooter:

  • Director or designated staff member will call emergency officials (911). 

  • There are 3 basic steps to survival during an active shooter:

  1. Run – if staff and children are able to evacuate from their room to a safe place

  2. Hide – if staff and children are not able to evacuate, use modified lock down procedures by hiding in the bathrooms or closets.

  3. Fight – as a last resort, in order to protect the children, fight the intruder with aggression and improvised weapons (e.g. anything that can be thrown at the shooter such as chairs, fire extinguisher, books etc...) 

  • The Director and owners will review and/or revise the plan yearly or as needed.


Any time a child has an accident or receives an injury that requires First Aid, the staff member in charge will fill out a report, in duplicate, explaining the nature of the accident and any resulting injuries. This form is completed on the day of the incident. A copy of the form is given to the parent and the original is placed on file in the office. If First Aid is administrated, the Director must also sign the report.

Directors may contact the parent at the time of an injury or incident, even minor incidents. Please be certain the center always has a current phone number or method of reaching you.


 The following procedures will be followed in the event of an accident, injury, or illness.

  1. The parent/guardian will be called immediately, and 911 when necessary. 

  2. If the parent/guardian is unavailable, the emergency contact listed on the Emergency Medical and Transportation Authorization form will be notified. 

  3. The physician or dentist listed on the Emergency Medical and Transportation Authorization form will be called for instructions. 

  4. The child and the child’s health record will be taken by ambulance to the physician’s office, clinic, or hospital of the child’s parent’s/guardian’s choosing. 

  5. A copy of the incident report completed by the staff will be issued to the parent/guardian. The original report will be kept on file at the center.

*Parents must arrive at the hospital no later than 15 minutes after the emergency vehicle transporting their child.


  • If we have an outbreak of any illness that is listed on our communicable disease chart, the health department will be contacted and guidance from them will be followed. Children will be isolated and away from other children. Classroom that is affected will be cleaned and sanitized. Parents will be contacted to pick the child up within the hour. Children are never left unattended. All guidelines from the ODH, State of Ohio and Hamilton County Public will be followed. A head count is done continuously. 911 will be contacted if injuries or damage to building.

  • We reserve the right to follow guidelines that are beyond those implemented at county or state level. 


  • In the event of a transportation accident, bus driver or staff member must contact 911, then the center. If necessary, evacuate the bus to a safe and secure location. Do not leave children unattended. 

  • If you hear gunfire in your area, have children get down in their seats. Get out of area as quickly as possible. 

  • In the event of a disaster during a field trip- move children to a safe location, take attendance. Do not leave children unattended. Call 911 if necessary then the center. 

  • Be sure to have a phone for all trips away from the center. 

  • Conduct weekly evacuation drills on buses to ensure children know what to do. 

  • Parents are not to pick children up when we are on a field trip or in the vehicles. They must wait until the bus returns to the center.

Reunification with Parents

  • Parents will be contacted once all children are in a safe location/ situation for pick up. 

  • Parents will be notified of where their child is located, the procedure for picking them up. This includes Id for anyone other than the parent picking up, and all children will be signed out by person picking up.

  • Parents will be told that they have 1 hour to make sure their child is picked up. 

  • All personal belongings brought from the center such as bottles or medication will be sent home with the parent. This will ensure it is not lost since not in the building. 

Center Parent Information

 The center is licensed to operate legally by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). This license is posted in a noticeable place for review. A toll-free telephone number is listed on the center’s license and may be used to report a suspected violation of the licensing law or administrative rules. The licensing rules governing childcare are available for review at the center. The administrator and each employee of the center is required, under Section 2151.421 of the Ohio Revised Code, to report their suspicions of child abuse or child neglect to the local public children's services agency. Any parent of a child enrolled in the center shall be permitted unlimited access to the center during all hours of operation for the purpose of contacting their children, evaluating the care provided by the center or evaluating the premises. Upon entering the premises, the parent, or guardian shall notify the Administrator of his/her presence. The administrator's hours of availability to meet with parents and child/staff ratios are posted in a noticeable place in the center for review. The licensing record, including licensing inspection reports, complaint investigation reports, and evaluation forms from the building and fire departments, is available for review upon written request from the ODJFS. Inspections are also online at Parents may search for a specific program and sign up to be notified when the program's latest inspection is posted online. It is unlawful for the center to discriminate in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 104 Stat. 32, 42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq. To file a discrimination complaint, write or call Health and Human Services (HHS) or ODJFS. HHS and ODJFS are equal opportunity providers and employers. Write or Call: Write or Call: HHS ODJFS Region V, Office of Civil Rights Bureau of Civil Rights 233 N. Michigan Ave, Ste. 240 30 E. Broad St., 37th Floor Chicago, IL 60601 Columbus, OH 43215-3414 (312) 886-2359 (voice) (614) 644-2703 (voice) (312) 353-5693 (TDD) 1-866-277-6353 (toll free) (312) 886-1807 (fax) (614) 752-6381 (fax) 1-866-221-6700 (TTY) or (614) 995-9961 For more information about child care licensing requirements as well as how to apply for child care assistance, Medicaid health screenings and early intervention services for your child, please visit


This parent handbook is updated annually. The handbook will be posted on our website and copies will be available at the center. It is the responsibility of the parent to check for updates. If major policy changes are made to the handbook any other time in the year, the center Director will make copies or flyers noting the policy change available to all parents.

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